Copper and gold course
The craft of copper is definitely one of the most characteristic elements of Sardinia and its inhabitants, with roots in ancient history.
Initially it was expressed in the production of goods intended for domestic use, including the manufacture of ceramics, wood and cork, continuing until the purely ornamental, such as coral and precious metals.
The presence of silver mines on the island contributed, in fact, to the flourishing of workshops for the machining of filigree gold and silver jewellery, with styles that are handed down from generation to generation, much appreciated all over the world, and characterized by accuracy with which they are produced.
Objective of the course: learn the techniques of embossing and hammer chiselling.
During the summer the course is on request basis and will take place on one day per week (max. 3 hours).
During winter the course is integrated into the holiday, themed stay, and will be held every day (max. 4 hours).