Ceramics course
Corso di ceramicaPottery in Sardinia has a long and rich tradition. Through this course we will try to illustrate the types of clay, techniques and procedures of working the clay, through the coiling, sheet, lathe techniques, to the cooking stage, the glazing and the final decoration.
Processing techniques
Coiling technique
Sheet technique
Lathe technique
Once dried, the coiling, the sheet and the lathe techniques are finally ready for baking in the gas or electric ovens (approximately 1000°C) (in the past these were wood-fired ovens).
After they are removed from the oven they can be painted with acrylic colours or enamel, decorated and placed back in the oven for a second baking at a slightly lower temperature.
The enamel (immersion of objects in a tub with white enamel) can be done with a brush, cascade, spraying.
The enamel is a technique that requires a lot of skill to make sure that you deposit a sufficient and equal amount of enamel over the whole surface; the colours and enamel must then be cooked to acquire texture and shine.
During the summer the course is on request basis and will take place on one day per week (max. 3 hours).
During winter the course is integrated into the holiday, themed stay, and will be held every day (max. 4 hours).